Driving to a Festival? Here Are Our Top Tips

Festival season is underway in the UK. Over the coming summer, millions of people will pile into cars and make their way to see their favourite performers.

But the process of getting to the festival can be a lot less enjoyable than the event itself. Let’s take a look at how to prepare for the trip, and to ensure that the weekend goes smoothly.

Plan Your Route and Departure Time

If you’re completely reliant on your satnav, then you’re at risk of becoming lost. After all, no satellite navigation system is perfect.

For this reason, it’s a good idea to mentally rehearse the route you’ll be taking.

Memorize the essential junctions – in most cases, there will only be a few of them. This is particularly important if the festival is in a remote, unfamiliar part of the world.

You should estimate your travel time, too. Try to account for potential road closures and other delays. Give yourself an hour or two extra, and plan your departure time accordingly.

Prepare Your Vehicle for the Journey

If your vehicle isn’t fit for the road, then you’re sure to run into trouble. Before setting out, perform a few basic checks on your car.

Make sure that the tyres are properly inflated, and that the tread depth is above the legal minimum (which is 1.6mm). Ensure that you have jumper cables packed, as well as an emergency supply kit.

Making sure that you have the right car insurance can be crucial, here. Different policies offer different levels of coverage, so shop for one that’s appropriate to your needs.

Insurance is a legal requirement if you’re going to drive on public roads, but things like roadside assistance and replacement vehicles can be very handy, too.

Stay Alert and Stay Safe on the Road

A festival can be an exhilarating experience, but also an exhausting one. Make sure that you’re focused throughout the drive.

Make sure that you don’t have any alcohol in your system, and that you’re well rested, before you drive home. Driving tired can slow your reaction time, and cause you to fail to notice hazards on the road ahead.

To limit the risk, you might share driving duties with your passengers. But you can only do this if every would-be driver is qualified and insured.

This is something best discussed well in advance, rather than on the day you’re due to come home.