Ski Holidays – Where, and Why?

Holidays are precious things, and things that we do our level best not to take for granted.

Sun and sea is the quintessential holiday plan for millions of households each and every summer, with golden beaches and blue seas beckoning as soon as the days start to get longer.

But these beachy getaways are by no means the only option for the summer traveller. Some of us may be a little more adventurous, and on the look-out for an adventure holiday worth the expense. Enter skiing.

Skiing is predominantly considered a winter holiday experience, on account of the conditions required for quality mountain skiing.

Cold air and powder snow are not the most enticing of conditions for a summer holidaymaker, after all! But for those with a hankering for getting on the piste, a summer ski adventure could be just the ticket.

Where should you ski, and why exactly should you consider it as your next summer jaunt?

Where to Ski

First, lets consider the destination options. There are many mountain locations in the West that still enjoy perfect ski conditions, even in the depths of summer.

The Alps remain snow-capped and hugely inviting for skiers of any skill-set, for one; try Zermatt in Switzerland.

If you’re looking for the ultimate European ski experience, it’s hard to look far past ski holidays in France for travel; the lofty peaks of Val Thorens in France are highly worth visiting in this regard.

On the other side of the world, ski season is well and truly beginning. Argentina and Chile are sleeper destinations for ski escapes, as is Thredbo in Australia. But why should you consider visiting any of these places?

A Social Sport

Skiing is a social sport – though not directly. More accurately, skiing is a solo endeavour with a great deal of social opportunities attached.

You could attach yourself to a cross-country skiing team, and make some valuable friends in the process; alternatively, you could spend much of your time at the chalet, enjoying warmed drinks and striking up conversation with the other convalescents.

A Healthy Sport

Skiing is also, of course, a very physical sport, whether you are tricking your way to ski stardom, trudging across snowy fields or simply slaloming down your favourite slope.

Keeping fit on holiday can only be a good thing, and skiing can be enough of an engrossing hobby to inspire preparatory fitness too.

Last but not least, skiing can be an immensely impactful holiday sport for the mind. Exercise is great for mental health in both the short term and long term, with skiing being no different.