4 Tips for Road Trips to UK Music Festivals

Are you headed to one of Britain’s many music festivals this summer? Whether you’re going to the internationally renowned Glastonbury Festival or a smaller event dedicated to a specific genre, you won’t be alone on the road. In 2022, over 14 million tourists attended music events in the UK.

Prepare to travel to your upcoming festival safely and in style with these four road trip tips. From planning the drive to optimising your packing, these tips will help enhance your experience of the event as well as the journey there.

Plan the drive

A well-planned route is essential for a smooth journey to your music festival destination. Chart your course with a reliable GPS or navigation app which registers traffic levels, road conditions and any potential roadworks. Consider planning alternative routes in case of unexpected delays. 

Scheduling stops for fuel, food and rest is essential, especially if it’s a long journey. Share the driving responsibilities among several capable drivers by utilising car insurance for one day or similar temporary cover options. This reduces driving fatigue, helping to ensure safety on the road and make the trip equally enjoyable for all.

Pack smart

Packing efficiently means sufficient space for everyone’s bags – not only in the car but also in the tent or alternative accommodation when you’re camping at the festival. Lighter luggage also means greater fuel efficiency when you’re on the road.

Make a list of essentials – including your festival ticket! – and follow this when packing. Must-take items include a tent (if camping), clothing for all weather conditions, sturdy shoes, food and water. You’ll also need your phone to communicate with friends and a portable charger to top up a flat battery. 

Prepare your vehicle

Before you depart, ensure your vehicle is in top condition. Check the oil and coolant levels, tyre pressure, brakes and lights. Due for a service? Schedule it before you set off to help prevent breakdowns on the road. 

Even though problems are unlikely, you should be properly prepared for a breakdown. Store a warning triangle, jump cables, tyre repair kit and first-aid essentials in the boot. Make sure you’re covered with roadside assistance too, for the peace of mind that help is just a phone call away.

Stay entertained

Long drives can be monotonous, especially on motorways where the scenery is unchanging, so take steps to keep yourself and your passengers alert and entertained.

Prepare a playlist featuring artists from the festival to play on the drive down. For variety, download audiobooks and podcasts too – but be aware that these require more attention from the driver. You can also play classic car games like trivia, the alphabet game and i-spy and share stories of your previous music festivals.