4 Ways to Stretch Your Travel Budget

Making your travel budget extend as far as you’d like it to is no mean feat. Travelling can quickly become a very expensive habit to indulge in, but it doesn’t have to be.

How to Get the Best Flight Deals

Today we decided to explore our 4 top tips on how to have a wonderful holiday without spending all your savings – let’s take a closer look at what you need to consider.

Be as flexible as possible

The single best tip we have when it comes to stretching a travel budget is to be as flexible as reasonably possible. This applies to both where and when you travel.

You’ll likely find that you’re able to find bargain flights and affordable accommodation, but it does mean being open to the experiences that you’ll have.

That being said, you can still pick a general theme; for example, there are thousands of gorgeous beach locations that are just an hour or two away on a plane – you’ll likely have just as wonderful a time at one as you would at any of the others.

Be careful with where you eat

Even if you find the cheapest flights and accommodation of the century, it’s still easy to blow the majority of your travel budget on food and drink. To keep these expenses to a minimum, try to be tactical about where you eat. 

Have one or two fancy meals, but also try to work out where the locals eat.

If you have access to a kitchen, consider cooking for yourself for a couple of nights as well – it can be relaxing and provides you with an opportunity to explore cooking a new cuisine.

Do free activities

It’s easy to think that to have fun while travelling, you have to pay for activities to have a good time.

While guided tours, boat rides and classy jazz concerts can all be absolutely wonderful, there are so many free activities that can be just as enjoyable.

Whether that’s just walking around the old part of a beautiful town at night, going for hikes in the surrounding countryside or finding a hidden but incredibly beautiful beach to spend the day at, all of these activities are totally free and will result in you having a wonderful time.

USA Beach Vacation Guide

Stay closer to home

It’s easy to fall into the mindset that to get the full travel experience, you need to travel thousands of miles away from home.

Of course, there are some experiences that you’ll need to hop on a long-haul flight for, but it’s important to recognise just how much you can do without leaving your own country.

Exploring your own area with fresh eyes, treating it as you would any other far-away travel location, can make it feel like you’re visiting the country for the first time.

Whether you check out the world-class vineyards in the south of England or head to the remote beaches of Scotland, you don’t need to go far away to have an adventure. 

These tips will hopefully have helped you think about travel from a fresh perspective.

There’s plenty you can do to make it into an affordable and sustainable experience, so long as you embrace a little creative planning.