What Are the Benefits of Taking a Walking Tour When Visiting New Cities or Countries?

We hear it all the time – day tours, cruise ships, walking tours. While they all indicate fun and learning time, do they offer the same quality of experience?

Tips for Solo Travel on a Budget

Survey findings have revealed that many travelers prefer walking tours. Walking tours in the UK are becoming increasingly popular among travelers who want a more immersive experience of the cuisine and culture of their travel destination.

Moreover, walking tours happen to be more cost-effective since some of them are on a tip-based model where you tip the local guide an amount you are comfortable with or feel is appropriate.

For budget backpackers, the appeal is great. But there are so many more benefits to taking a walking tour when you visit new cities and countries. In this article, let’s examine these benefits and see why you should go on a walking tour when visiting a new city or country.

Get an Immersive Experience

Every city has a pulse, but you need to be close to its heart to hear it beat.

You can achieve this simply by touring a city on a bus. There’s no real interaction with the locals and limited exposure to the food. Essentially, the feel of the land will be lost.

On the contrary, walking around a new place is like stepping into a real-life adventure.

You can feel the city’s energy all around you. You smell the yummy food, hear the locals chatting, and feel the ground beneath your feet.

Walking tours are a great way to see a city up close.

Moreover, you get to meet other travelers, too, and maybe even make some new friends with whom you can bond over shared thrills and woes (hopefully not). You might share travel tips, grab a bite to eat, or even plan your next trip together.

Who knows, your walking tour buddy could become your best travel buddy ever.

Discover Underappreciated Attractions

Ever been on a trip and stumbled on the best tacos you’ve ever tasted in an obscure street that doesn’t feature in the guidebooks? That’s right.

Oftentimes, you find that those cherished vacation or tour moments are the unplanned ones. 

Walking tours lead you to these gems. When you take a guided tour, you sign up for the most eclectic of experiences based on the seasoned discretion of the local guide, who knows all the hotspots and must-see spots that the locals treasure.

Additionally, these guides will tell you stories that only locals know and even share personal anecdotes.

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Try a Unique Mix of Workout and Wander

Okay, sure, you’re thinking: “I’m on vacation! I’m supposed to be relaxing, not working out!”

Walking tours offer an active and fun way to explore a city. As you wander through streets and neighborhoods and climb historic hills, you’ll be burning calories without even realizing it. 

It’s like having a built-in workout while experiencing the city’s unique culture and atmosphere. 

The best part? You can reward yourself with a delicious treat or a local specialty without feeling guilty.

Maximize Your Travel Budget

Any seasoned traveler knows that traveling to a new city or country can be expensive.

Beyond visa requirements and flight payments, exploring the best a new location has to offer can set you back a good amount of money.

However, the good news is that you can experience a new city or country without breaking the bank by going on a walking tour.

Not only do you save on transportation, but you only pay for guided tours on a tip-based system.